Saturday, August 10, 2013

Tending Our Broken-Open Hearts:, Keeping Family Peace at the End of Life

Restorative Justice is one application of Restorative Practices. Over the years, as we continue our involvement with this approach to conflict it penetrates deeper and deeper into how we live . The foundation of my work in R.J. has been Council Process, sometimes known as Circle process, where everyone has a chance to speak from their own perspective and 3 practices I learned as a Zen Peacemakers:  Bearing Witness, Not Knowing and Healing Action.

This link is to a blog radio show . In this interview with host,  Pattie Porter, I describe a bit about Council process as one practical way to increase cooperation, reduce conflict and create more peace and harmony among family members when someone is dying.. Acknowledging our  Broken-Open hearts and our hopes for peace in the family,  using gratitude, appreciation and keeping everyone in the "loop" all become restorative ways of connecting that can encourage more peaceful and sustaining relationships in the family. .

I hope you'll listen and share your thoughts or questions.

 In my next blog I'll describe Council Process , Bearing Witness, Not- Knowing and Healing Action  in some detail. ..I'll share a reading list too.

Go towards the bottom of the page to listen to the PodCast....

Texas Conflict Coach – Tending Our Broken-Open Hearts: Keeping Peace