Monday, February 17, 2014

A bird sings, with no question of the beauty of its song, or its worth. Its whole being is engaged in the vitality of the moment. This vitality is a whole hearted engagement in the present moment that can be expressed up until our last breath, as a simple and courageous expression of who we truly are. An expression that goes beyond our personality and beyond what we usually call "action". When we allow ourselves to be, just as we are, during all the stages of our life, we give a precious gift to ourselves and to life as a whole. 

Consider this quote by Martha Graham, the amazing dancer and choreographer.

"There is a vitality, a life force, an energy, a quickening that is translated through you into action, and because there is only one of you in all time, this expression is unique. And if you block it, it will never exist through any other medium and it will be lost. The world will not have it. It is not your business to determine how good or bad it is nor how valuable nor how it compares with other expressions. It is your business to keep it yours clearly and directly, to keep the channel open. You do not even have to believe in yourself or your work. You have to keep yourself open and aware of the urges that motivate you. Keep the channel open.
1943 (via Brian Moran)

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